Due to a broken foot this summer, I finally found the time to investigate the objective-c language.
As a result of this, I’ve just released my first app to the App Store … iCapital!
It’s a little app which let you search for any country in the world and it will tell you what the capital is. You can also do an inverse search (so if you know the capital and you want to know the country). If you want additional data, the app connects to Wikipedia!
When you want to test your knowledge, you can take the quiz which has 3 different game modes with 3 difficulties:
- Learn the countries
- Learn the capitals
- Learn the flags
There is GameCenter integration, so you can play against you friends and see who knows the most about our little world!
Technical specs about this app for the techies 🙂
- Native app
- Persistent store with Core Data
- UIWebview to pull data from Wikipedia
- Gamecenter integration
It’s now on sale for the small price of .79 cent, I hope you like it!
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